The Dangers of Brake Fluid Contamination: Causes and Preventive Measures

brake fluid contamination

Brake fluid is an essential component of a vehicle’s hydraulic brake system, responsible for transferring the force exerted on the brake pedal to the brake calipers, brake pads, or wheel cylinders, ultimately slowing down or stopping the vehicle. This hydraulic fluid must meet strict performance criteria, such as high boiling points, low viscosity, and resistance … Read more

Brake Fluid Boiling Point – The Importance for Safe Driving

brake fluid boiling point

Brake fluid is a hydraulic fluid specifically designed for use in automotive braking systems. It is responsible for transmitting the force applied to the brake pedal into pressure, which ultimately stops the vehicle. This fluid has specific properties that make it suitable for this purpose, such as a high boiling point, low viscosity, and resistance … Read more

What Are Drum Brakes on a Car

what are drum brakes on a car

Drum brakes are a type of braking system commonly used in vehicles, especially in the rear wheels. They consist of several components, including the brake drum, brake shoes, wheel cylinder, return springs, and adjusting mechanism. When the brake pedal is pressed, the brake shoes press against the inner surface of the brake drum, causing friction … Read more

How Do Car Brakes Work?

how do car brakes work

The braking system is one of the most important components in the car’s framework. Most car owners know that when the brake pedal is depressed, the rotation of the wheels slows down, and the vehicle comes to a stop. However, there is a lot more that goes on during the braking process. If you’re wondering … Read more

How To Stop Brakes From Squeaking?

how to stop brakes from squeaking

Car owners often face the dilemma of unrelenting, squeaking brakes that cause a ruckus every time they start their car. Due to this, many people have been ambushed by an ear-piercing screeching noise while walking on the road. Most of the time, this screeching noise is the friction of the pads against the braking surface. … Read more

How Do Air Brakes Work – Comprehensive Guide

How do air brakes work

Air Brakes use an air compressor to compress air into air storage tanks and activate the brakes. The actual brake pad or system is not entirely different from other hydraulic fluid brake systems, but the way the brakes are activated with air pressure is. Air brakes are used exclusively in large vehicles and especially those … Read more

What Are Jake Brakes?

what are jake brakes

A Jake Brake, or a Jacobs Engine Brake, is an engine braking mechanism that slows down your vehicle without wearing down your service brakes. If you’ve heard a semi-truck producing a loud screeching sound while coming to a halt, you’ve heard the Jake Brake mechanism in action.  If you are curious about what are Jake … Read more